Monday, May 25, 2009

Jane Fonda in Barefoot in the Park

My favorite of Jane Fonda's ensems in Barefoot in the Park consists of brown corduroys with a leather belt, an orange turtleneck tucked into the cords, little brown leather beatle boots, and a toggle coat--I think it's khaki. I bought an orange turtleneck the other day; that's how obsessed I am with the costumes in this movie. Too bad there are no pictures of that outfit to be found with google images. With my current tactic of playing pause and draw with movies (right now my favorites are mostly from the late '60s and early '70s preferably based on a play) in order to practice my fashion plate illustration skills, I may be able to post one soon, along with a few drawings of the costumes from Butterflies are Free (starring Goldie Hawn), which are also very difficult to find on the interweb. The real shame there is that I also can't find a good picture of Goldie's hairdo in the movie, which I want. The grass is always greener, and the curly vs. straight hair battle is no exception.
I am on the hunt for the perfect pair of high-waisted, dark brown, ankle length cords. Also Beatle Boots under $50.

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